Apr 26Liked by Yakubian Ape

So good, thank you, I really enjoy how you build scenes and flesh out characters. I’m excited to read the next installment!

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Thank you! I'm always torn between doing these scenes where it's just character development and establishing certain things and afraid they come as... you know. Padding. Filler. That kind of stuff. I don't think it is, because otherwise how do you get an intimate knowledge of your characters, but I'm somewhat nervous about indulging in them. I'm glad you enjoyed.

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Apr 27Liked by Yakubian Ape

It is always an engrossing read, and knowing the characters means being invested in them and their fate. So indulge away, I say.

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As Stolitz plans to go and "enjoy" that sweltering summer day, I can't help but wonder how he'd react to hearing someone say, "It's hotter than Satan's ass crack today."

I imagine it'd be with disgust and quiet indignation at mortal ignorance.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Author

Given that Satan is a very classy individual in this setting, yes, he would be rather galled by the implication that Satan is in some fiery pit. Which reminds me, I should probably get around to posting the lore bible so I don't have to explain who Satan is, exactly. Mostly because I don't think they'll appear in the narrative like Lucifer will. Who is a separate being in this setting. They will definitely show up at some point.

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